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Sleep, it’s said to be one of the most beneficial and crucial aspects of human nature. Sleep is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal, use it efficiently and copiously. According to the Sleep Association, the average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to reap the most mental, physical, and emotional benefits. We all want to have a perfect night’s sleep every night, but that’s not always attainable.

Luckily, we’ve got the lowdown on 4 sleeping myths you didn’t know about.

Myth 1: You can become a morning (or night) person.

You’re born one of two ways: a morning person or a night person. Unfortunately, there’s no way to become one or the other. Specific biological factors, or chronotypes, determine if you are a morning person or a night owl, and according to research, there’s not much you can do to alter your internal body clock. However, as you go through life, your internal clock can change through genetics and even sunlight.

Myth 2: You can catch up on sleep.

Hate to break it to you, but sleeping in on the weekends has absolutely no benefits. You may enjoy sleeping in, and you probably will feel slightly more rested, but when Sunday rolls around you’ll most likely have a more difficult time falling asleep. This results in a drowsy Monday morning and coffee to get the day started.

Instead, stick to the same sleep schedule you do during the week. If you’re naturally an early riser, there are other ways you can relax. For instance, yoga, meditation, or even laying out by the pool. For night owls prone to staying up all night and sleeping until mid-morning, don’t fight the sleep. Your body needs it.

Myth 3: Snoring is no big deal.

Sure, some people snore while others don’t, and usually those who don’t snore find snoring extremely annoying. There’s more to snoring than just keeping your partner up at night. Consistent snoring can be a symptom of a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea or hypersomnia. The snoring is a result of decreased airflow, which cans train the heart and causes cardiac complications. Luckily, sleep apnea, and other sleep disorders are treatable by a medical professional.

Myth 4: Not everyone dreams.

Everyone dreams, period. You might not remember them, but you 100 percent have them. Dreams are a part of the uncharted territory in the realm of medical research. Researches are sure that we all dream every night, most likely during REM sleep, when our brains are bursting with energy.

Dreaming also inhibits better memory and allows us to process emotions and events that took place during the day. Dreaming isn’t completely understood, but just like sleep, everyone does it.

There you have it, 4 sleeping myths debunked! We’ve all fallen victim to these misconceptions, but now that you’re educated on the truth about sleep, you can fall asleep peacefully tonight. Check out our sleep accessories and turn your bedroom into a sanctuary with Mattress World’s top quality products and mattresses.