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Top Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day in San Diego
top ways to spend valentine's day in san diego

Hold their hand, make eye contact, and rediscover what love is all about. You guessed it! Valentine’s Day is coming up, and San Diego is popping with new ideas to celebrate this special day with your loved ones. Depending on how adventurous you are or want to be, we have

San Diego in Spring: Must-Do Events
San Diego in Spring

Spring is an excellent time to visit San Diego. Its temperature is pleasant and mild, and the coast is a beautiful scenery to look at. If that’s not enough, the flowers across the famous Balboa Park are simply breathtaking. You should never miss the chance to experience Spring in San

5 Cool Bedroom Accessories to Have
5 cool bedroom accessories to have

If you are a teen in junior high, a young professional in their mid-twenties trying to adult as hard as they can, or a busy mom who is always on the go, you deserve to have the nicest bedroom you can have. At Mattress World and Al Davis Furniture, we

5 Bedroom Décor Trends for 2025
5 Bedroom decor 2018 trends

https://gentlehome.com/my-sheet-set.htmlWe are going to ring in the New Year right this year. Whether you use the new year as a time to reflect on the past twelve months or as a chance plan ahead, we are always looking ahead. At Mattress World and Al Davis Furniture, we want to help

How to Get Urine out of a Mattress in 5 Minutes
How to Get Urine out of a Mattress in 5 Minutes

Between five to seven million Americans wet the bed every night. Add that to the countless millions of pets who have been known to pee on mattresses and things start to get sticky. Regardless of how you ended up with a wet bed, the solution’s pretty much the same. It’s

Fall San Diego Events
San Diego Fall Events

Fall is a magical time in San Diego. The winds of change blow through the air, and the always lively city truly comes out to celebrate. At Mattress World and Al Davis Furniture, we are proud to call America’s Finest City home, and we want you to commemorate our town

What is Thread Count and Why Does It Matter?
What is Thread Count and Why Does It Matter-

You might be buying your sheets the wrong way. When people hear sheets advertised, it seems that all you hear about is thread count. Numbers are thrown at you right and left, and to someone who does not really have much experience with purchasing sheets, it can be rather daunting.